Highest fine Rs 10 thousands on private vehicles while filling petrol , but how???
This is the highest challan on private vehicles Rs 10 thousands while the vehicles owners are filling petrol in their vehicles. It is due to with help of camera, mostly filling oil worth Rs 5 hundreds only. This was happened one month behind in the Capital of India. ( New Delhi).
Petrol pumps Challans CCTV Camera Vehicles
New Delhi : This incident was happened 1 month behind in Delhi, to create a mistry while the people may be filling petrol worth Rs 500 in their vehicle in the petrol pump in Delhi this was noted by the help of CCTV camera, a fine of upto Rs 10 thousands may be trace out. However Delhiite would not think like this, despite with the help of CCTV cameras and an effort was held to crack down on polluting vehicles.
It is a matter of fect that if you filling petrol worth Rs 5 hundreds in your car, and this was happened on the other way, with the help of CCTV camera, a fine of Ts 10 thousands can be implement, nobody hardly anybody will think that this type of thing will happen. But this fact was deducted in the last month one month due to the unique initiative of Traffic police. All the process is done with the help of CCTV cameras, an attempt was made to crack down on polluting vehicles. The traffic police started a pilot project from 4 petrol pumps in the capital Delhi. The people are filling petrol in their car, than the camera was capturing the picture of their number plate, the Kundli of the vehicle will also be traced and it will know whether the vehicle has PUC I. e. Pollution Under Check Certificate Or not. The result of the pilot project is found very effective and it was started in very small number and could be known better in all respect.
Fine for vehicles issued while filling petrol
The information about this area of Delhi which are the place where these camera fine are collected, but Traffic police diny to given any information regarding this piolet project the people will not go to all petrol pumps which are under radar of CCTV camera and the owners will suffer losses. The monetary of petrol pumps by camera installed on the petrol pumps, by them the aim is to the photo of the number plate visible clearly.
Apart from the server of the petrol pump, the photo is transferred to the additional CPU of the Traffic police, and rest of the work is completed by the computer automatically, no need to engage employ any employee.
If you reach without PUC, fine will be jenerate automatically
It is said in breefing of Traffic police, Delhi is the only one to predcribe such an experiment in the whole country, The obtain result is very impressive, when the entire month more than 8 hundreds challan were presented. If this piolet project has been found success ful than traffic police department of Delhi has decided that these unique fine will now be implement at 25 petrol pumps rather than 4 petrol pumps, not only this a plan on working in this fector to deploy in 500 petrol pumps in Delhi suppose you go to any part of Delhi province without PUC, an automatic fine will be issued.