Government of India makes its Plain, Aadhar will no proof of Birth Date , Citizenship
The 12 - digit resident ID is not a proof of Citizenship or birth date , the Aadhaar cards and its downloads now contain that disclaimer on the ID itself.
Aadhaar Card Proof Birth Date Citizenship
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Aadhaar its self never been proof of Citizenship - and the date of birth , is said by Government of India. Now Aadhaar cards and PDF version of identity document have begain including a more clear -cut and prominent disclaimer , they are " a proof of identity, not the Citizenship or date of birth ". signalling to Government offices and further organisations to not use it for the Citizenship and birth of date purposes.
It is clear by Government of India that Aadhaar has never been proof of Citizenship - forgin nationals may be eligible to obtain one, suppose they are living in India for half a year - but others government departments accept for its ground reserved for Citizenship or mature persons.
Being one department is ceased accepting Aadhaar as a identity proof date of birth ; the Employees Provident Fund Organisation { EPFO } , which operaters the mandatory retirement find in their salaried employees in India. In this regards the EPFO is provide a circular on January 16, deleting Aadhaar from the list of documents which are acceptable as a proof date of birth.
Memorandum of 2018 ; -
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is cleared in 2018 in Memorandum that Aadhaar is not a births date proof as the date of birth is depend on a different documents given in Aadhaar applicants A Bombay High Court judgement last year that emphasised the documents was cited in a December 2023 circular that UIDAI issued, which was reminded departments of the fact. But at present the warning is imprinted on the face of all Aadhaar cards and digital copie issued in all Indian residents .
The warning initially only mentioned last year that it was not a legal proof of Citizenhip but now clarifies that Aadhaar is not a proof of birth either. The 12 - digit ID is a proof of uniqueness and residance , but others Government agencies accept it - on a others basis - for any citizens establishing their identy.