Narendra Modi,the Prime Minister of India will going to hand over a Hammer to the Brazilian representative during G-20 Summit.
While India is organizing the 18th G-20 Summit being held in the capital city,Delhi.
Delegates from several countries which include the UK,USA,France and many more are coming to participate in this special Summit.
This Two-days-World Summit starting from 9th September,2023 and the event will last till 10th September,2023 in Delhi.
Indian PM Modi, as an important part of the summit, will hand over a hammer to the President of Brazil as his counterpart in the concluding day of the Summit that Brazil has already been announced to be the next,i.e.the 19th G-20 Summit organizer which will be held in 2024.Same thing happened as the Indonesian president handed over this 'hammer' to the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the previous 17th G-20 Summit held in Bali,Indonesia.
Why 'Hammer' to be handed over ??
It is noteworthy that the hammer is such a tool inseparable part of the labour class of the world.
It is generally used for hammering that usually indicates the reshaping, reshuffling and smoothening the process of civilization progress.
Probably that's why 'Hammer' has been included in G-20 Summit as an emblem of that the Prime Minister of India is going to hand it over to the Brazilian representative on Sunday,the concluding day of the 18th G-20 Summit.
Hammer symbolizes the process of repeated development and progress of the human civilization.
Transfer of Presidency :
The hammer usually a symbol of transferring presidency.
That means Brazil will now be handed over this special hammer as the next Hosting country of the 19th G-20 Summit.
And it will be transferred by India,the current host of the 18th G-20 Summit to Brazil.
The world will witness the authentication of taking responsibility of upcoming G-20 Summit by Brazil.
Brazil is going to handle the next G-20 Summit and it will be giving them authentication to lead this World Summit, that's the authority of presidency of organizing the upcoming 'Brazil G-20 Summit,2024.'
And this transferring of presidency has been emblemed by the 'Hammer.'