We all are aware of the traditional landscape of assets that involves stocks and bonds, but do you know that it’s the finance and investment that have moved ahead on the same.
Somewhere that's the reason as to why nowadays the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have acquired such a great attention in terms of alternative investments.
Now, all this has involved the big and the startup enterprises like Betterment to build their own robo-advisor that can support people to grow rich easily.
Everything is good to go… but have you ever thought, will this be a great way when it’s about huge investment.
If this point somewhere disturbs you, then I suggest you have a read with me where I have covered some of my research based points that can help you to understand whether enterprises like Betterment would be a good choice that can effectively rebalance portfolios as per market changes.
If that's so, how is it gonna fix the issues in the world of investment when it comes to cryptocurrencies.
Betterment: A Review on an Overview
"Best Robo-Advisor? - Is this a Trusted Term in Investment"
Now, before getting into Betterment, we must know what a robo-advisor is.
To begin with, its a digital platform that provides their customers with automated, algorithm-driven financial planning. Moreover, we can say they also provide investment services with a little bit of human supervision.
Sound great, right!
But, have you ever thought would it be the best to make use of these Robo-advisors while making a huge investment?
Let have a check with Betterment, an enterprises that was established in 2008, has now grown up to be one of the leading players in the robo-advisory industry.
Yes, unlike others even Betterment utilizes robo-advisors to make use of algorithms to make financial planning with automation, which with it manages the investment portfolios for each of their customers.
The platform aims to get their customers diversified, with low-cost investment portfolios. Of course, behind the scene it’s all about tailored to individual risk tolerance and financial goals.
Portfolio Rebalancing with Betterment Robo-Advisor!
"Get to know more on Investment Portfolio"
However, there are many features when it comes to investment portfolios, yet with Betterment it is all about its automatic rebalancing mechanism.
In simple words, whenever in the market condition there arises a possibility that can cause the allocation of assets in a portfolio, the client's target allocation will automatically get deviated.
Now, here in this case it’s Betterment which will take the decision to buy or sell assets to manage and bring the their client’s portfolio back on track.
For instance, if there is an investor with a target allocation - 70% stocks and 30% bonds. But somehow because of certain market movements, the stock allocation increases to 75%, then it would be the Betterment who will automatically sell some stocks and buy bonds, just to rebalance the portfolio of their client to their desired 70% to 30% split.
Now, here we can understand that this is a disciplined approach that aims to support the investors, where Betterment is maintaining a diversified as well as a risk-appropriate portfolio over time.
What is Cryptocurrency?
"Get to know — Bitcoin vs ethereum”
We all are well-known with the concept that Cryptocurrencies are led by these Bitcoins and Ethereums — the key major terms of the investment industry.
Where Bitcoins are often referred to as a digital gold, that decentralized digital currency to operate on a blockchain there these Ethereum are notified by the specified platforms that are meant to create decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
Here, it's the investors who mainly flocked to cryptocurrencies, just by viewing them as a potential store of value, where they consider them to be a hedge against inflation, or we can say they find them to be simply an exciting new asset class with some substantial growth potential.
But, the reality is different — as every shining stone can never be a diamond!
As a result, more often they neglect the truth behind as the volatility and speculative nature of cryptocurrencies are often found with some or the other set of challenges and opportunities for investors, so they need to be a bit more careful before making a move.
However, sometimes I have seen investors who get so much into the investment and profit that they desire to learn these cryptocurrency App development as well.
Jokes a part, before getting into more let’s have some idea about what is what? — Bitcoin vs ethereum.
Key Differences -
Since both Bitcoins and Ethereum are powered by the same distributed ledgers and cryptography, they moreover seems to be the same at majority of places.
But, they are note — Yes, they both difference a lot in technical terms.
Let have a look with,
- While transactions on Ethreum network involves executable code, here the Bitcoin network transaction includes the usage of records to gather these transaction informations.
- Even with block time, it’s the ETH transaction that gets confirmed within seconds, and it’s the BTC that takes a minute to do the same.
- With core difference — In ETH consensus algorithms are quite different to work with as here it’s the LMDGhost, but with BTC they make use of SHA-256,
The New Bitcoin/Ethereum Portfolio - A Great Launch of Betterment!
Based on my reseacrch on Betterment, they mainly focus on traditional asset classes that includes stock markets and bonds.
But, as per a recent news update NEW YORK, Sept. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire — Betterment, the largest independent digital investment advisor in the U.S., has announced the launch of a new Bitcoin/Ethereum Portfolio as part of the Crypto investing by Betterment suite.
However, the new portfolio provides direct access to the two largest cryptocurrencies in the market for investors.
So, it's up to the investor's interest as to where to gain exposure to crypto to be a part of their long-term investment strategy.
As of now that’s it from my end for the post, I know this post must have given you some understanding about Betterment - the market role with rebalancing portfolios and more.
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